The AEC newsletter December 2017 |
Dear friends and colleagues,
Welcome to the AEC newsletter December 2017! Another intense year of AEC activities, projects, meetings and events, is coming to an end.
During the recent AEC Congress and General Assembly, kindly hosted by the Music Academy of Zagreb, two key decisions were made by AEC members: a revised vision and strategy will be implemented, and a plan for strengthening the financial fundament of our association will be progressively realised from 2018 to 2021. In addition, many proposals and comments expressed by AEC members will be taken on board by the AEC Council and Office in the association’s action plan for 2018. Thus, this year´s main Congress theme, Leadership in the Arts and the Arts of Leadership, as well as the work towards strengthening students´ contribution and role within the AEC are major topics which will be further explored.
We look forward to an exciting 2018 and we are eager to start implementing the new project AEC - SMS, which, with support of the Creative Europe programme of the European Commission, will provide the higher music education sector with a new opportunity to embrace further development and innovative approaches for Strengthening Music in Society. We will keep you updated on all AEC activities through the AEC newsletters, the AEC website and AEC social media channels.
We wish you all a restorative and happy season break and a New Year filled with life-giving musical experiences and stimulating work!
The AEC President, Council & Office Team |
This report aims to give AEC members and external interested parties an overview of the Association’s financial position and of its activities, discussions and developments as they were realised during the year. |
We are very glad to welcome the following new member institutions:
- IESM (Institut d’Enseignement Supérieur de la Musique - Europe et Méditerranée), Aix en Provence, France;
- Instituto Superiore di Studi Musicali "Claudio Monteverdi" Cremona, Italy;
- New Bulgarian University, Department of Music, Sofia, Bulgaria;
- Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama, Cardiff, UK;
- Westerdals Oslo School of Arts, Communication and Technology, Oslo, Norway.