Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen (AEC) Newsletter |
Welcome to the AEC Newsletter June 2016!
AEC Upcoming Events in 2016 |
The AEC Annual Meeting for International Relations Coordinators 2016 will take place at the Academy of Music in Krakow on 15-18 September 2016. More information will be published on the AEC website in the coming weeks. |
The AEC Annual Congress and General Assembly 2016 will take place at the Academy of Music and Drama in Gothenburg from the 10th to the 12th November 2016. More information on the AEC General Assembly (including the Council vacancies) and the Congress programme will be published on the AEC website in July. Please save the dates and spread the word!
AEC and the European Alliance for Culture and the Arts
As recently announced on the AEC website, the AEC has joined the European Alliance for Culture and the Arts. This initiative gathers 27 European organisations from various cultural sectors and a number of national associations as well as individuals with the aim to call EU policy makers and national governments to re-think the European approach and put culture at the forefront of their common project.
On April 19, representatives of the European Alliance for Culture and the Arts, including the current AEC Chief Executive Stefan Gies, met the Commissioner Mr.Tibor Navracsics and presented to him a joint statement in which the Alliance demands the EU policymakers and national governments to re-think the European approach to culture and the arts.
The Alliance's position is based on the conviction that the European Union's long-term objectives can only be attained if culture and the arts together with their intrinsic values are recognized as key elements of humanistic societies and peaceful coexistence and will be promoted by EU politics accordingly.
To read the declaration's full text and to know more about the European Alliance for Culture and the Arts, please click here. |
Send Us Your Vacancies!
The AEC JOb Vacancies Platform is Online
Within the framework of the FULL SCORE project, the AEC has created a European platform for advertising job vacancies for teachers, composers, teachers and staff members in the Higher Music Education sector. Thanks to project funding, this service is free of charge for AEC member institutions. Non-member institutions are also welcome to post their job openings at a (small) charge.
The AEC vacancies platform aims at becoming the leading European job service in Higher Music Education. We count on you to inform your colleagues/staff about this new platform and to contribute to its success by sharing your vacancies. We are looking forward to receiving your vacancies!