Welcome to the AEC Newsletter March 2016! |
New Website Launch!
As a very first announcement, the AEC team is pleased to present the brand-new AEC website, which has just gone online under the same address www.aec-music.eu. We are happy to invite you to navigate between the various sections of the new, fully updated website, where you can catch up freely with the current AEC news and publications, as well as our projects and events. We are delighted to inform you about the new, very efficient format of the website, which we believe to provide a user-friendly and clear outline of the AEC’s current activities. Should you have any questions about the new website, do not hesitate to contact us!
Send Us Your Vacancies!
The AEC Job Vacancies Platform is Now Online
The platform for job vacancies in Higher Music Education is online on the AEC website!
Within the framework of the FULL SCORE project, the AEC has created a common European platform for advertising job vacancies for instrumental and vocal musicians, composers, teachers and staff members in the Higher Music Education sector. Thanks to project funding, this service is free of charge for AEC member institutions. Non-member institutions are also welcome to post their job openings at a (small) charge.
The AEC vacancies platform aims at becoming the leading European job service in Higher Music Education. We are looking forward to receiving your vacancies!

Early Music Platform (EMP)
The Early Music Platform working group met on 4th March at the AEC Office in Brussels to evaluate the 2015 edition which took place in Prague and to start preparing the next one, taking place at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague on 24-25 March 2017 in the framework of the European Mobile Baroque Academy Project (EMBA), led by the European Union Baroque Orchestra (EUBO).
The EMP 2017 will address the theme of Curricula in Early Music and will feature once again the participation of the Early Music Network REMA. More information will be uploaded on the AEC website in autumn 2016.
New AEC Publication: Joint Programmes in Music Guide
The AEC team is happy to draw your attention to our newest publication, the Joint Programmes in Music Guide, which is available now in the publications section on the AEC website. The guide, which can be downloaded free of charge, presents the outcomes of a research on the most important issues to be taken into account for institutions when creating and implementing a joint study programme. In a straightforward and accessible way, it provides practical details and concrete steps for developing joint programmes, which are of essential importance for any institution that considers launching such a programme.
AEC and U-Multirank
Launch of the Pilot Project
The AEC is pleased to inform its members of the official launch of the U-Multirank Pilot Project! Through the collaboration with the U-Multirank team, the AEC intends to assess whether the U-Multirank system can be adapted to the specific necessities and characteristics of the higher music education sector. Nineteen AEC member institutions have been selected to participate in this pilot project in order to test the validity, viability and practicability of the dimensions and indicators developed by the AEC U-Multirank Working Group, as approved by the during the last AEC General Assambly in Glasgow in November 2015. For further details about the u-multirank pilot project please visit the U-Multirank section on the AEC website.