Welcome to the AEC newsletter!
Dear colleagues and friends,
We hope this edition will provide you with interesting information and news about our activities, projects and events.
We would like to draw your attention in particular to our recent initiative for the development of a common European Online Application SYstem: EASY. The system is still in a developmental phase and we are very grateful to the EASY partner institutions and in particular to the international relations coordinators (IRCs) of these 41 institutions for working with a system in constant development and for sharing their feedback, needs and suggestions, so that the system is constantly improving. Despite the challenges, it is already clear that EASY will represent a great step forward to simplify the paperwork and procedures behind international mobility and bring a considerable relief for IRCs, students and teachers in this regard. Nevertheless, the benefit for the users will increase with every single additional institution joining the system. Thus, to make life easier for us all: Join EASY! Please read below to find out more about this initiative.
We are grateful and proud to work for an association with such a strong sense of responsibility and commitment. We would like to thank the members of the various working groups, the Council, the Executive Committee and, last but not least, our new President, Eirik Birkeland, for their instrumental contribution to the development of the AEC.
The AEC Team