The first International Congress organised by the University of Valladolid, Spain and the Katarina Gurska Institute for Artistic Research will take place online on 3 – 5 September 2021 under the title “Intersection Art, Society and Technology in Musical Innovation“.The seminar aims to reflect and to provide musicians the needed concepts and mind-sets to adapt the development of their professional skills in a changing environment. The conference will be focus in the different lines of research linked to the musical culture and society in the 21st century. Topics such as the new concepts of knowledge production or innovation in the digital era will be addressed in this Virtual Campus.
The congress will include 4 research fields:
1. Artistic Interaction and Technology
2. Innovation in Music Education
3. Arts, Science and Technology
4. Music and Society in the 21st century
which will be approached in different formats, following the same structure: Plenary Conference, Virtual Garden Conversations, Expert Debate Table and Virtual Talk.
To know more information about the Congress and the instructions for registration and research submission please visit the dedicated website.