MCE Business & Conference Centre, Brussels – Belgium
21th – 22nd of June 2017

The European Commission will invest almost €16 billion in research and innovation in the next two years under Horizon 2020, the EU’s research and innovation funding scheme, following a new Work Programme.

Based on intensive consultations with the relevant EC officials and discussions about funding priorities the European Training Academy is very pleased to invite you to upcoming events.

If you are coordinating or preparing a project proposal or searching for partners on EU projects we could assist you and share our experiences and networks.
You may benefit from analysis of specific calls for proposals performed by the leading EU authorities, the best partners to establish an international consortium, consensus-driven discussions to define project outline, proposal writing by experienced experts or insight to the EC evaluation criteria from experienced evaluators.

This challenging two-day training is designed to exceed participant’s expectations and boost the impact and sustainability of ongoing and emerging projects.

For further information about this twi'day training, please click here.