The final event of the Creative Lenses' collaboration project takes takes place in Matera, Italy on 3-5 April 2019.  The project is funded by the Creative Europe programme and aims to help develop viable business models for cultural organisations without compromising their artistic integrity.

About Creative Lenses
This is a four-year collaboration project (2015-2019) funded by Creative Europe. It comprises 13 international organisations (including cultural centres, performing arts organisations, 2 European networks, 2 universities, a creative business incubators and 2 cultural agencies) from 9 European countries.
The aim of the project is to strengthen and develop the business capacity and sustainability of European arts and cultural  organisations. The key objective of Creative Lenses is to research, devise and test new business and management models for the sector that can be replicated and then used by a wide range of arts and cultural players throughout Europe.

Call for papers
This call for papers and contributions welcomes submission of abstracts around the theme of business models, addressing various themes around the topic. Limited financial support will be offered for successful submissions and an opportunity to be part of a final publication with a leading publisher.

The deadline is 30th June 2018.
For more information about the submission procedure, themes and requirements, check the website here or the attachment below.

For further information
If you have question, or would like to get more information on the subject, please, contact professor Ian King, University of the Arts London  