AEC – ARTEMIS Clusters Meeting

The first in-person meeting of the ARTEMIS Clusters took place in Vienna on 1-2 February. 23 Cluster members from 20 institutions gathered at the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien to work and reflect on the curricular changes they are undertaking, such as increased flexibility and options; innovative offers that better prepare students for diverse careers; work-based learning; all the way to a complete re-think of the current curriculum, etc.
The Vienna meeting started with a deep dive into the theme through the presentation of the guest speaker Veronica Ski-Berg (PhD, researcher at NIFU) ‘The map is not the territory’: Navigating institutional change in higher music education.
The themes discussed during the two-day meeting reflect the ARTEMIS project’s key topic of empowering artists to act as change-makers in society. In so-called World café sessions, the participants discussed different topics under the categories of Education, Research and innovation, Professional preparation and integration and Societal engagement or positioning / service to society.
The participants were exploring solutions to fostering life-long learning attitudes, creativity and curiosity among the students. The discussions were also tackling topics and “hot potatoes” such as the concept and meaning of excellence in music studies and the issues of inclusion, equity and diversity in the curricular changes.
The outcomes of the discussions highlighted the importance of the teachers’ example in having a curious and creative mindset for continuous learning. Another key topic was the need to provide the students with tools to build resilience and to find their own place on the diverse spectrum of careers in music and their role as change-makers in society. The flexibility of studies and examples of so-called portfolio degrees were seen as one key to supporting students and teachers in valuing the diversity of the music profession.
Each cluster also met separately, enabling institutions to update each other on how their curriculum review is developing and exchange about the challenges they are facing.
The clusters’ work will continue with two more online meetings before the end of the year.
Many thanks to the Working Group members for organising and facilitating this meeting, and to our hosts in MDW!
The ARTEMIS Clusters have been established within the ARTEMIS project: since 2022 the Capacity Building Working Group (WG) has been tasked to encourage and assist institutions to design and implement changes that they would like to introduce in their curricula.
Following an open call to AEC members, to which 26 institutions responded, five clusters of 5 or 6 institutions were created early 2023 and form Mutual Support Platforms for Curricular Innovation. Guided by the WG members, these institutions work together through a process including reflection, exchange and mutual support.