Hosted by the European Music Council, the webinar European Agenda for access to music education is organised by the Steering Committee for the Harmonisation of European Music Education (SCHEME), an informal coalition bringing together the three associations that are representing institutionalised music education at European level.

The webinar will take place on Friday, 5 February 2021, 10:30-12:00 CET


The SCHEME group consists of

SCHEME thus covers the entire spectrum of music educational offers from early childhood music to higher music education. Despite the variety of tasks these associations and their members are performing, all three associations share common values ​​and are aware of the fact that they complement and support each other in their respective work.
At the core of these shared values ​​is the conviction that music education is key for a sustainable future of both our societies as well as for music as an art form and as a social practice. Following up the joint work that they have already done in the context of drawing up a European Agenda for Music, the three associations have decided to organise a webinar and thus to once more join forces to set common pathways for the future of music education and to discuss the challenges this might pose.

Webinar on Friday 5 February

Key concepts such as diversity, reaching out to new audiences, social relevance of music and music education, smart and creative use of digital means will be discussed during presentations and breakout groups.

Participants will have the opportunity to update their knowledge and to exchange views on these topics as part of a 90-minute, interactive webinar which is addressing teaching and senior management staff in all kinds of music (education) institutions, but also musicians and other stakeholders in the music business, political decision-makers at national, European and international level, policy makers in the field of education and culture, and anyone else who is interested in the future of music and music education.

Registrations are open until 3 February.