In the framework of the CALOHEx project, a Creative and Performing Arts and Design group was created (covering film, fine arts, performing arts, design and music) and tasked with developing Qualifications Reference Frameworks and Assessment Reference Frameworks for level 6 (Bachelor), level 7 (Master) and level 8 (PhD). The given template for these frameworks consisted of a table which combined the EQF descriptors (Knowledge, Skills, Wider Competences) and the EHEA Dublin Descriptors.
The Creative and Performing Arts and Design (CPAD) group was coordinated by EQ-Arts and Dublin Technical University. Kjetil Solvik (Special Advisor at the Norwegian Academy of Music, Oslo) and Marijn Abbink (Policy Officer Education at the Royal Conservatoire, The Hague) were the 2 AEC representatives who formed the Music Group within CPAD. You will find here the CPAD Qualifications Reference Framework (QRF). After CPAD developed these frameworks consisting of eight dimensions with corresponding descriptors, the CPAD decided to make discipline-specific subsets and learning outcomes, to avoid learning outcomes that were too generic.
The Music Group conducted this major task: “We decided to explore if the learning outcomes could be based on the existing AEC Learning Outcomes from 2017. A mapping exercise of matching the AEC LOs to the new Qualifications Reference Framework with music subsets took place with success. We found the existing learning outcomes quite well formulated and comprehensive, but at the same time it was necessary to develop them further, both to update them, to make them more genre-independent and to fit into the structure of the eight dimensions. This led to reviewing, updating and adding to the existing AEC LOs for levels 6 and 7.”
Throughout the process, the Music Group had several online meetings with an AEC reference group sharing feedback.
You will find here the results of Music Group’s work:
This includes:
- texts about higher music education,
- typical degrees,
- typical occupations/employment
- learning outcomes frameworks for music
- examples of good practice within higher music education.
Next step: at its March meeting, the AEC Council discussed the work achieved by the CPAD Group and by the Music Group, and is envisioning a validation process of this new Qualifications Reference Framework for Music by representatives of the profession. Thus, this framework would be recognised as the latest version of the AEC Learning Outcomes.
AEC would like to extend its thanks to Marijn Abbink and Kjetil Solvik for their fantastic work, and to Georg Schulz, Ester Tomasi-Fumics, Jacques Moreau and Stefan Gies for their feedback and support!