Administrators of institutional profiles are kindly requested to update their contact information on the AEC website and to add as much information as they would like to share about their institution, including logo, description and information about their study programmes. This information will be available online for other AEC members who log in, and some of it will also be openly available on the AEC website for broader dissemination.

Users appointed as administrators are the ones responsible for managing the institutional profiles the AEC has on its website. All AEC member institutions are assigned to a profile, and should appoint an administrator who would not only provide information about the institution itself but also add or update other colleagues and their roles on the system. This is particularly important for the AEC Office in order to, for example, inform managers about the GA and decisions of the AEC Council, as well as teachers, administrative staff and students about events and publications that might be of their interest.

AEC strongly encourages administrators on the AEC website to keep the information and, in particular, email addresses on their institutional profiles updated, as they are very important for the AEC Office – these are the ones used for internal communication, i.e. mailing about activities, invoices, events or newsletters. On the following video you have detailed explanations on how to use and access the members’ area on the AEC website: 

The AEC Office is available for help and further assistance on the matter. For more information, please do not hesitate to contact Alessandra Callegari, AEC Communication Coordinator at