On 27 September 2024, marking the 5th anniversary of the Vienna Declaration on Artistic Research, representatives from the signatory organisations across Europe and beyond gathered in Vienna for a pivotal meeting focused on the future of artistic research advocacy. Hosted by the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, this meeting brought together networks dedicated to championing artistic research as a vital force in shaping culture, innovation, and social development.

At the meeting, there were representatives from the following organisations:

  1. AEC – European Association of Conservatoires
  2. CILECT – International Association of Cinema, Audiovisual and Media Schools
  3. CAE – Culture Action Europe
  4. Cumulus Association
  5. EAAE – European Association for Architectural Education
  6. ELIA – Globally connected European network for higher arts education
  7. EQ-Arts
  8. GEECT – European Grouping of Film and Television Schools
  9. MusiQuE 
  10. SAR – Society for Artistic Research

The Association Européenne des Conservatoires (AEC), alongside its partners actively participated in discussions on strengthening our collective voice and leveraging political and institutional influence to advocate for the recognition and support of artistic research. Central to the conversations was identifying how we, as a united alliance, can accomplish more together than we could individually.

Discussions included:

  • Maximising the potential of this particular group: Participants explored ways to utilise the collective power of the group to make a tangible impact, focusing on political advocacy, campaigning and institutional change.
  • Defining the scope of partnership: The group examined whether and could the group’s efforts not just remain Europe-focused but rather expand internationally, considering the scope and timeframe of future advocacy work.
  • Governance and decision-making: Ensuring effective communication, decision-making, and collaboration across networks was a key topic.
  • Next steps: AEC and its partners began planning follow-up meetings and gatherings, aiming to keep the momentum strong as we develop a shared advocacy strategy for the coming years.

The day was filled with energetic debate and deep reflection on how to drive real change in the field of artistic research. The AEC is proud to contribute to this effort, recognising the significant role artistic research plays not only within the cultural and creative sectors but in society as a whole—impacting areas such as health, technology, and the environment.

This meeting marks an important step in building a stronger, more coordinated advocacy effort. 

Stay tuned for the organisations’ first official statement, which will be released next week and outline our shared vision for the future of artistic research.