The 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage marks a turning point for Europe’s ever-growing movement for cultural heritage. We must build on this momentum to recognize and unfold the positive and cohesive power of our shared cultural heritage and values to connect Europe’s citizens and communities and to give a deeper meaning to the entire European project. The time for action is now. 

The Berlin Call to Action “Cultural Heritage for the Future of Europe” was presented at the first European Cultural Heritage Summit on 22 June 2018 in Berlin by the 3 co-hosting organisations, EUROPA NOSTRA– the Voice of Cultural Heritage in Europe; the German Cultural Heritage Committee (DNK) acting as national coordinator of the European Year of Cultural Heritage in Germany and the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation (SPK) based in Berlin.

Representatives of cultural institutions, associations, foundations and universities as well as of religious communities and sites, and many European heritage networks gathered to engage and dedicate their expertise, time and energy, as professionals or volunteers, to "ensure the transmission of this heritage to future generations."

The AEC has recently signed the Berlin Call to Action to support and share responsibility in committing relevant policy documents and its principles into effective action with tangible results for Europe and its citizens. To ensure that we remember and learn from our cultural heritage and simultaneously inspire on-going creativity and innovation.

For more details on the Berlin Call to Action, please read the PDF file below.
To share, support, and sign the Berlin Call to Action, please click here