The first meeting of the Early Childhood Music Education Task Force took place in Nicosia, Cyprus on April 19. The task force is funded through the SMS project and is carried out in collaboration with the AEC, the European Association for Music in Schools (EAS) and the European Music School Union (EMU). The meeting preceded the Mediterranean Forum for Early Childhood Music Education and Musical Childhoods, which took place at the European University of Nicosia on April 20 – 22. Members of the task force could therefore combine the meeting with their attendance at the forum.
The aim of the task force is to increase the quality of early childhood music education, and thus extend the audience of tomorrow. The task force has the aim to develop a handbook to start high quality early childhood music education in all European countries. While it is primarily aimed at music schools, it will include guidance on how to translate its contents to other pedagogical contexts.
During the meeting, the members of the task force got to know each other. They discussed the general modus operandi of the project and their approaches to the topic. They decided to use the network of the EMU to collect perspectives on the situation of early childhood music education through an online questionnaire. The results of this mapping will feed into the further work of the handbook in the next meeting of the group in Helsinki on October 1 – 3.

The Early Childhood Music Education Task Force is part of strand 6 of the AEC-SMS project and is overall coordinated by the European Music School Union (EMU).