The AEC-SMS working group on Learning and Teaching in Music Performance Education (LATIMPE) held its second meeting on 25 and 26 September 2018. The meeting was hosted by Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya (ESMUC) in Barcelona.

The main objective of LATIMPE is to explore and discuss new L&T models enabling Music HEIs to educate creative and communicating musicians. It is coordinated jointly with the Centre of Excellence in Music Performance Education (CEMPE) of the Norwegian Academy of Music.

In the meeting, the working group discussed particular practices of interest, addressing issues such as student-led learning, collaboration, student autonomy and responsibility, interdisciplinarity and holistic curriculum. The group also prepared for the upcoming conference in Oslo at the end of October, discussed an upcoming publication on learning and teaching issues and decided on how to contribute to upcoming conferences of interest.

The working group also met with Melissa Mercadal and Enric Guaus from ESMUC for fruitful discussions on current learning and teaching issues of interest for their institution as well as how LATIMPE could collaborate with ESMUC and similar institutions in the future.