On Saturday 10 November, in parallel with the General Assembly of the AEC, all the students met in the building of the student representation in Graz. They discussed their experience in attending sessions and participating in the Congress as well as meeting directors and other delegates. They hope that in the coming years the AEC student network will be further developed as to exchange ideas and address challenges. After an afternoon of fruitful discussion, all took a Student Handbook, their experience of the Congress and new ideas home.
As Eirik Birkeland, AEC president said during the plenary session, “There is no way back” to an AEC were students were not represented. Increasing involvement of the students will be on the agenda of the next meeting of the Executive Committee. In the meantime, AEC encourages students and directors to contact the Student Working Group at studentworkinggroup@aec-music.eu for questions, ideas and contact details of the student representatives at their institution.