European Chamber Music Academy – Latest news of the ECMA Next Step project
ECMA Next Step project (2015-2018) is working to develop new approaches to teaching and learning chamber music, both within the ECMA-system and for the benefit of chamber music across the participating institutions. Chamber music teachers from the partner institutions are also in the process of exploring different possibilities of assessing chamber music. In addition to this work, a second working group is developing a Joint European Master in Chamber Music. Six Intensive programmes are taking place across Europe during the project period: the second IP just took place in Vienna and the . third will be held in Prades this summer, in conjunction with the Festival Pablo Casals.
Preliminary results from ECMA Next Step project will be presented at the AEC Annual Congress in Zagreb 9-11 November 2017 in the form of a pre-congress seminar on November 9th in the morning.
More information on partners and upcoming events:
Photo: Gerard Spee


New audience and innovative practices (NAIP) – Upcoming intensive programme
The NAIP Intensive Programme (IP) 2017 will be held 25 August – 3 September in Hafnarfjörður in Iceland, hosted by Iceland Academy of the Arts. The course is a collaboration of the institutions taking part in the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership NAIP: Training Artists Without Borders. This is the 8th NAIP IP, which is a part of the NAIP collaborative master programme, focusing on building up a strong network amongst the NAIP partners and the enhancement of personal skills, self-confidence, community engagement, collaboration skills, peer evaluation and reflection. This year’s course has a focus on creative collaborative learning approaches in a cross-art setting. This entails working with cross-art collaboration, including skills such as developing concepts, stories, design, performance and dialogue with the community.
The program will start with introductory workshops led by teachers from the participating institutions. The group will also participate in some site-specific workshops, for example relating to the theme of elf-believe now and then. This workshop will include visiting elf-rocks and enchanted places to discover their history and their effects on urban planning, culture and daily-life of locals for hundreds of years. Participants will sense the connection between people and nature in the town, get to known the town, while opening the door to the veiled world of elves, ghosts and other hidden beings. Following the workshops, students will work on their own projects in interdisciplinary groups and will have access to all the course’s teachers will be available for mentoring and participating in the students’ projects.
Making a Living from the Arts – Latest news on NXT project:
AEC is involved as partner in the NXT project coordinated by the European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA).
ELIA is organising the NXT Conference Making a Living from the Arts on 14-15 September 2017 at the Amsterdam University of the Arts (AHK). This two-day dynamic event aims to stimulate critical debate on what is meant by cultural entrepreneurship, both in and outside academia. The theme of the conference is Making a Living from the Arts. The conference challenges values, beliefs and myths around the word ‘entrepreneurship’, stimulating a critical debate on different discourses and misconceptions around entrepreneurship in the arts. Registration is open (here).
The NEU NOW festival will also take place on 14-17 September 2017, in connection with the conference. NEU NOW is an innovative international platform and showcase for talented graduating students and recent graduates – of Higher Arts Education Institutions and Universities across Europe and beyond – from all artistic disciplines to present themselves to a wide international audience. For the full list of participants and additional information, visit the NEW NOW website here.
Early Music – Upcoming intensive programme of the VOXearlyMUS Project
The VOXearlyMUS project is pleased to announce one of its main upcoming activities, namely the 2nd Intensive Programme, entitled “Early music small vocal ensembles on the professional scene”. The host organization will be the „Arrigo Boito” Conservatorio di Musica di Parma. Between 16th and 24th of July 2017, students and teachers from five European conservatoires (Den Haag Royal Conservatoire, “Joseph Haydn” Konservatorium Eisenstadt, “Arrigo Boito” Conservatorio di Musica Parma, “Arrigo Pedrollo” Conservatorio di Musica Vicenza, National University of Music Bucharest) and one professional institution (Fondazione Italiana per la Musica Antica – FIMA) will gather along the universe of early music.
This time “the age of Monteverdi” is the guiding line in approaching a certain repertoire to be worked on and performed in public concerts, during these intensive eight working days (e.g. A. Grandi, G.B. Chinelli, etc.). One of the highlights of this Intensive Programme is the opportunity given to our participants to perform within the Urbino Early Music Festival. Individual and ensemble training, conferences and applied workshops, concerts/recitals  and guided tours to the main cultural objectives from the host city will give the participants the opportunity to deepen  their knowledge and interest within the early music field.
More information can be found on the project website.