The artistic doctoral program (Dr. Artium Program) at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (mdw) promotes research that relates to and develops artistic practice and plural methods and forms of knowledge. Dissertation projects are typically characterized by inter- and transdisciplinarity, process orientation and a contextualization in cultural and socio-political realities. The doctoral program is open to all art disciplines represented at mdw (music, theater, film) as well as transdisciplinary artistic research approaches that go beyond them. The program also motivates connections to scholarship and research at the mdw (like musicology, ethnomusicology, film studies, theater/performance studies/dramaturgy, dance studies, music therapy, sociology of music, cultural studies, gender studies, queer studies, acoustics). 

Innovative artistic work is at the heart of this program. It leads to the production of new knowledge and serves as an independent contribution towards the development and opening up of the arts. The program enables its graduates to generate independent artistic research work which corresponds to international standards. It is expected that within the program new knowledge about specific issues in the arts is generated, the relevant artistic research is contextualized, and the resulting knowledge production is documented and communicated in a suitable way.

Each project is supervised by at least three experts from relevant disciplines. Graduates are familiar with the discourses on gender, diversity and intersectionality which are relevant to artistic research, and can apply them in their practice. All of this puts graduates in a position where they can take on coordinating, executive and teaching functions, and can successfully assert themselves in national and international artistic environments. 

The Artistic Research Center (ARC) at mdw provides courses and organization for the artistic doctorate program and collaborates with the various departments and experts of mdw and beyond, providing a rich network of disciplines, knowledge and facilities.

The mdw is committed to gender equity, equal opportunities, critical diversity and internationalization. We especially welcome applications from highly qualified artists from groups that have been underrepresented up to now and are happy to offer counseling sessions for such applicants. If you are interested, please contact us by email at 

Applications for the next academic year are welcome. For further information please visit:

Time Line: 

Registration for admission exam: between February 14th and May 2nd, 2023 (via

  • Deadline for application: May 2nd, 2023
  • Hearings at mdw (admission exam 2nd part): June 16th, 2023
