Borderlands: Classical Music and Society – Blurring the traditional borders

The Maastricht Centre for the Innovation of Classical Music (MCICM) will organise an online symposium titled ‘Borderlands: Classical Music and Society’ on 20-23 April 2022.
The centre is formed by the Maastricht University (UM), Philharmonie Zuidnederland and Zuyd University for Applied Sciences (Zuyd) and seeks to explore the innovation of classical music culture.
The symposium aims at analysing and renewing the dynamics behind classical music practices and their societal contexts combining academic research on innovation of performance practices with artistic research.
The symposium will be held online with some live events planned for the host city of Maastricht if restrictions allow.
The call is now open for single presentations, panels, roundtables and online workshops and is intended for music practitioners, music educators and students, orchestral musicians, directors and administrators, academic and artistic researchers.
Please read the full description of the call for projects for more information about the application.
Deadline for submissions is 1 February 2022.
Learn more about the MCICM, the symposium and the call on the dedicated website.