The international hybrid conference The Performativity of Politics in Digital Media, Arts and Culture will combine practice research and academic papers.

We invite research contributions that highlight novel ideas, methodologies and practices on the performativity of politics in the digital world. The conference will take place in Belgrade at the splendid neoclassical building of the Rectorate of the University of Arts, overlooking the river Danube, and will also be available online.

We welcome proposals of 300 words from scholars across different disciplines and at various stages of their careers (post-doc, early and mid-career researchers and full professors), artist practitioners, and activists. There will be a separate panel for PhD students, who are encouraged to participate.

The deadline for submission of abstracts is 14 June 2024. Presenters will be notified about acceptance by 28 June 2024.

Each presentation will be 25 minutes. After the conference, a selection of papers and practice research will be published in English as an open-access edited collection by the University of Arts. Contributors will be invited to submit their work by 22 November 2024 and the collection is planned to be published by summer 2025.