Call for papers – “Doctors in Performance” Festival Conference

The Royal Academy of Music invites music performers at doctoral and post-doctoral levels to take part in ‘Doctors in Performance’, the fifth festival conference of music performance and artistic research.
The purpose of the conference is to bring together doctoral candidates and post-doctoral researchers working in the field of artistic research in music performance.
Call for Papers
‘Doctors in Performance’ places the emphasis on performance itself and we particularly encourage recital and lecture recital submissions, although paper presentations on relevant fields of artistic research are also welcome.
Presentations may be proposed in one of three formats:
a short recital with research introduction
a lecture recital
a research paper (including captured performance footage if appropriate)
Timings for presentations are as follows, each followed by a 10-minute discussion:
Recital + introduction: 30 minutes (including 5-10 mins of research introduction and set-up)
Lecture recital: 30 minutes (including set-up)
Paper presentation: 20 minutes
Please send your proposal to Victoria Hodgkinson at by 3 April 2023.
The proposal will be reviewed by the DIP panel and the results will be communicated to you by 12 May 2023. The conference will be in-person only, in keeping with the performance focus of the event, and the conference language is English, the presentations should therefore all be in English.
Click on the following link for further information on how to apply.