The conference will be held in the brand new, state-of-the-art performance complex at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, which was opened in 2019 to mark the Academy’s centenary. Potential participants are invited to submit a proposal for a presentation concerning relevant fields of artistic research. The conference language is English. The text of the Abstract should not exceed 500 words. Please note that all successful applicants must register for the conference. Registration opens on May 16, 2020, after the selection process.
Possible forms for presentations are recital, lecture-recital and paper:
- A RECITAL is a musical performance (solo or chamber music), which will last 40 minutes (this should include a 10-minute research introduction). There will be an additional 10 minutes for questions and comments. The music performed is expected to include or closely relate to the contents of the participant’s doctoral degree or current research. Submission of a recital presentation must be accompanied by a 15-minute video, to be accessed either via a link to a cloud platform such as Google Drive (or other similar), or via a URL link. Application forms for a recital which do not include a cloud link or URL link will not be accepted. The video must be no more than 6 months old.
- A LECTURE-RECITAL will last 40 minutes, plus an additional 10 minutes for questions and comments. The music performed is expected to include or closely relate to the contents of the research the participant is currently conducting. Submission of a lecture-recital presentation shall be accompanied by a 15-minute video if the lecture-recital includes a performance that is longer than 15 minutes. Otherwise, an abstract will suffice. The video shall be an extract from the programme performed at the conference or related to the topic. The video must be no more than 6 months old.
- A PAPER should present artistic research and be no longer than 20 minutes, with an additional 10 minutes for questions and comments.
All submissions will be evaluated by the organizers of the conference on the grounds of the quality of research and/or performance. Papers will be selected by May 15, 2020.
For further information, please visit or