Conference Musicians’ and Performing Artists’ health and performance in Oslo – Call for papers

Norwegian Academy of Music is now welcoming submissions to Musicians’ and Performing Artists’ Health and Performance – Integrating Body and Mind (MHPC22), in Oslo 22 – 24 of September 2022.
The conference is the 4th Nordic conference in this series and is hosted by the Union for Arts and Culture (CREO), Association of Norwegian Theatres and Orchestras (NTO) and the Norwegian Academy of Music (NMH) .
The MHPC22 will be an international conference for physicians, therapists, educators, artistic directors/employers, athletic trainers, music/ performing arts students and professionals, as well as other performing arts and health care professionals who seek to improve the performance, health and well-being of musicians and performing artists within all genres.
The conference aims to combine scientific knowledge and practical experience through a range of keynote speakers, panel debates, paper presentations, demonstration or performance presentations, workshops, poster presentations, round table/symposium as well planned networking.
Relevant topics include, but are not limited to
- Musculoskeletal disorders
- Mental health and performance psychology
- Sound and hearing disorders
- Musicians/performing artists and the brain and nervous system
- Prevention, promotion of health, physical exercise and rehabilitation, physiotherapy/other forms of physical therapy, examination and treatment
- Research methods, work environment and exposure measurements
- Musicians and performing artists’ health and working conditions and psychosocial factors in artists’ work environment
- Educational programs designed to enhance health and well-being practices and performance
Proposals can be submitted by 31 March 2022 through the website of Norwegian Academy of Music.