AEC, EAS (European Association for Music in Schools) and EMU (European Music School Union) have a good history of cooperation: through the Music Education working group of the European Music Council (EMC); in the development of Learning Outcomes and Quality standards for both musical performance and music pedagogy; in work on pre-college music education (within the AEC ‘Polifonia and 'FULL SCORE' projects); in joint policy statements and in the organisation of joint events.
The recently at the EAS conference in Latvia (March 2018) signed agreement is an important step to continue this successfull cooperation and includes mutual exchange and support of activities, cooperations in new project activitites and invitations and presentations at each others annual events.
The regular contact already established and based on series of high-level joint meetings designed to deepen mutual understanding, reinforce knowledge management and cooperative expertise between the three organisations should be continued and reinforced. This includes regular exchange within the “Steering Committee for the Harmonisation of European Music Education (SCHEME), which involves representatives of all three associations.