As an association deeply rooted in European musical life, EFNYO and its partners provide a platform for the exchange of expertise in music training and performance among the leading national youth orchestras of Europe and take responsibility for imparting necessary skills to future generations of musicians. In this regard, the federation truly benefits from its unique position at the interface of higher music education and the music profession.
Since its beginnings in 1996, the "MusXchange" programme has seen the participation of more than 850 pre-professional musicians to date. It has given them opportunities to gain orchestral practice in youth orchestras abroad, discover new repertoire, experience different performance styles and orchestra traditions, meet conductors, tutors, and young fellow musicians in a different cultural environment. In view of an increasingly global and intercultural community, it has developed into an indispensable instrument for the professionalization of the European music sector. "MusXchange" represents a wonderful example of intercultural dialogue, transnational learning, and the empowerment of youth and musical excellence throughout the European Union.
Next to well-established mobility projects between EFNYO member orchestras, the 2015-17 programme has gradually been extended to embrace new sub-strands, such as bilateral chamber music projects, internships with professional orchestras, and European bootcamps focusing on audience building and creative entrepreneurship.
Enjoy learning more about "MusXchange" a European pilot programme that offers young musicians a range of multifaceted training formats paving their way for a professional life in music!
For the MusXchange brochure 2015-17 with reports, statements of managers & musicians and statistics online please click here .
For the two videos about bilateral chamber music projects of EFNYO partner orchestras (Austria-Romania, and Netherlands-Scotland) please click here and here.
You can also find here and here the two documentaries about the bootcamp on "creative entrepreneurship" held in London (Oct. 2016) in cooperation with the Guildhall School, Helena Gaunt, Michelle Wright & team (Cause 4, Wordville, SpokenWord).
For the new MusXchange facebook page with statements of participating musicians, video links, article in the IAM, etc please click here.
You can also find attached an article and advert in the International Artist Manager Magazine, Oct. 2017 issue: