"NXT Making a Living from the Arts" is a project led the European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA), which aims to support the career development of emerging artists.
On 12 April the NXT Seminar took place in Brussels – attended by experts from the European Commission, European Parliament, higher arts education institutions, creative hubs, cultural organisation and other various stakeholders.

The well-packed programme included presentations on the NXT Project, the NXT research on creative hubs by Joost Heinsius and two panel discussions – Making a Living from the Arts 2025 and On the Doctorate in the Arts – The Florence Principles. 

The NXT Publication was handed over by its authors to Julie Ward, member of the Culture and Education Committee at the European Parliament and Pier Luigi Sacco, who is, amongst others, Special Adviser of the European Commissioner for Education and Culture. 

For more information about the NXT Project, please visit ELIA website.