Applications are now open for EEEMERGING (Emerging European Ensembles), a large-scale European cooperation project promoting the emergence of new talent in early music.

Eeemerging aims at supporting young ensembles in the field of early music (from the Middle Ages to Romanticism) by providing a 3-year selective scheme through:

  • time and space to rehearse during residencies in europe, including accommodation
  • specific training sessions
  • professional practice, including concerts and audience development activities
  • support for the structuring of the ensemble and booking
  • promotion (recordings, videos, photos, website, digital…)
Eligible ensembles are less than five years old, formed of between 2 and 9 musicians, all adults and with an average age of 32 or less (maximum individual age is 36 years).
Shortlisted ensembles will be auditioned from 3rd to 6th September 2018 in 3 European cities.

Complete application files must be sent before 4 June 2018. Please click here for more information.