Starting from academic year 2017-2018, the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp offers the opportunity to obtain the Master's degree in Music in English. The Conservatoire offers five itineraries of specialization in English: instrument, voice, conducting, composition, jazz and popular music. The itinerary Music Pedagogy and the option Music Education can only be obtained as a Dutch master's degree.
When you have obtained your Bachelor in Music, you may wish to continue your studies and become a ‘Master in Music’. Our Master's degree programme takes two years to complete. The academic programme can be tailored to your individual needs. To be eligible for admission to the Master's programme, you must hold a music diploma from a recognized institution (Bachelor of Music), or have attained a comparable level by other means, tailored to the academic programme offered by the Conservatoire. These programmes are only open to a limited number of participants. Entry is by audition only.

Our Master's degrees are academic which means they aim to provide the instrumentalist/singer/composer/director of:

  • high-level training in their main discipline and on top of that;
  • a methodological training that allows access to doctoral programmes of/or musical research.