EPARM 2022 – Call for Proposals

EPARM 2022 – Call for Proposals
AEC European Platform for Artistic Research in Music
EPARM Conference 2022
The Artistry of Artistic Research
7-9 April, Royal Academy of Music in London and online
The AEC has now open a Call for Proposals for the upcoming edition of EPARM – the European Platform for Artistic Research in Music, which will take place in London and online on 7-9 April 2022.
The ninth EPARM conference will take the title The Artistry of Artistic Research and, while presentations relating to any aspect of artistic research in music are invited, the peer review panel will particularly welcome presentations that consider:
• the special insights that flow from practice;
• relationships between craft and investigation;
• exploratory engagements with repertoire and instruments;
• and the impact of artistic practice.
To reflect the centrality of performance in artistic research the event will also include a special evening programme (L8nite Performances) of performance and discussion. Proposals for short performances of a maximum of 20 minutes (outcome of artistic research) are welcome for this evening programme.
Please find HERE the Call for Proposals for EPARM 2022 in PDF
Deadline for submission is: 5th of January 2022
Completed submissions have to be sent to events@aec-music.eu
using the compulsory templates you find on the page of the event.
Online Registration for the event (compulsory to attend the conference) will open at the end of January at https://aec-music.eu/event/
Looking forward to seeing you in London,
The AEC Office and the EPARM working group