The Royal Northern College of Music’s Hub for Artistic Research in Performance (HARP) is delighted to announce a call for lecture recitals, presentations, panels and papers for a 2-day research conference to be held in Manchester on June 28-9, 2018.

Keynote speakers will include Dr Luk Vaes (Orpheus Institute, Belgium) and the conference will incorporate forums and a research student training event. Artistic performance research remains at an exciting stage of development. While presenting challenges there are also rich opportunities for developing new methodologies and engaging with musicians who have not previously viewed their practice through a research lens.

Proposals are invited from performers, composers and scholars in any area and genre of artistic performance research. Submissions from current and recently graduated doctoral students are also encouraged. The deadline for proposals is April 15, 2018 and the programme committee will announce their selection by May 1, 2018.

Papers should be 20 minutes, lecture recitals 30 minutes and panels 40 minutes, plus 10 minutes for questions. Proposals containing live performance are particularly welcome. Conference registration will begin May 1, 2018 and is open to independent or affiliated musicians and scholars, taught and research students.

Proposals of up to 250 words should include your name and affiliation, if any, and any resources required (including piano). All conference venues will be equipped with screens and audio equipment.
Please send proposals and any queries to: 

For further information, you can visit the Hub website