AEC is currently revising its Learning Outcomes for 1st-, 2nd- and 3rd-Cycle Studies in Music. The revision of these Learning Outcomes serves to continue their fitness for purpose in defining the skills, competences and know-how required by graduating students in higher music education.

The AEC Learning Outcomes were originally developed across a period of several years, beginning in 2001 and culminating in their publication in 2009. Over the past months, the FULL SCORE Working Group tasked with the revision has reviewed the major trends in the wider European higher education context since 2009, and has consulted a wide range of stakeholders within the AEC community and in its partner organisations to gather feedback on the use, format, relevance and comprehensiveness of the Learning Outcomes. Armed with the collected information, the Working Group has revised and updated the Learning Outcomes level by level and line by line.

As a next step, the revised version of the Learning Outcomes will be disseminated among AEC members. In April, the AEC members will have the opportunity to share feedback on the revised text and to request further changes. The Learning Outcomes Working Group will process all feedback received during its final meeting in May 2017.

The revised AEC Learning Outcomes will function as a helpful tool for institutions to ensure that their graduates are adequately trained in accordance with the latest developments in the profession. Please click here if you like to consult the AEC Learning Outcomes as they were originally published as part of the Tuning publication ‘Reference Points for the Design and delivery of Degree Programmes in Music’.

For more information about this working group, please write an email to the corresponding AEC contact person Jef Cox.