The ‘FULLSCORE’ Student Working Group (WG) held a meeting in the AEC office in Brussels last 29th and 30th January.
Among other topics, they discussed the outcomes of their participation in the last AEC Congress in Gothenburg and their involvement in several AEC preparatory Working Groups. The WG members are now fully involved in AEC activities and their voice is not only heard and taken into account, but they became a crucial part of the association!

In addition, the WG is working hard preparing the main final outcome of the project: A handbook for Conservatoire managers, staff and students about Student Representation in Higher Music Education institutions. The aim of the handbook is to boost the participation of students in Higher Music Education institutions, not only in terms of representation in governance structures but also concerning general participation as equal partners in the continuous assessment and improvement of their institutions and educational programmes.

With a deliberately user-friendly format, the publication will include a section with “trouble-shooting”, gathering the main obstacles that AEC members have found regarding student representation in their home institutions, including tips on how to overcome them. Another section will highlight good practice examples from institutions across Europe.

Stay in the loop, the handbook will be launched by Autumn 2017!

For more information about the FULLSCORE project please visit the ‘FULLSCORE’ page in the AEC website.