The International Competition, 2017 Edition of the “Il piccolo violino magico”, will be held in San Vito al Tagliamento (Italy) from 5th to 9th July 2017.

The competition is reserved to young talented violinists aged 9 to 13 years.

The competition will consist in three different rounds: Violin accompanied by a String Orchestra and Solo violin for the semifinals and Violin accompanied by a Symphony Orchestra for the final.

In this new edition there will be a prestigious international Jury chaired by P. Vernikov and the winners will be awarded with substantial prizes.

Last year edition had a great success with the presence of 18 young musicians selected among many candidates and coming from 14 different countries: the first prize ex-aequo winners were Maya Wichert, 10, from Germany and Nurie Chung, 11, from South Korea, while Marley Erikson, 13, from USA was awarded with the third prize.

You can download the Competition Announcement 2017 (pdf file) by visiting our web site here where you will soon find further more information.

Have a look at a short video trailer of the 2016 Edition by clicking here.


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