Kharkiv Assemblies

Clara Wieck Schumann and her contemporaries
(6 – 20 October 2018)

KHARKIV ASSEMBLIES, the only in Ukraine international music festival focused exclusively on classical art, celebrates its 25th edition! Founded at the same time when Ukraine became independent, the festival has grown and changed during 27 years. Unchanged was only one aspiration – a real, effective integration of Ukrainian art in the world cultural space. The founder and Artistic director of the festival – the outstanding Ukrainian musician and person in Music Art and Culture, rector of Kharkiv National I.P. Kotlyarevsky University of Arts Tetyana Vyerkina.

Every year we choose a "hero" of the festival – the artist whose work and civil position will be able to give the musicians and listeners hope for the best all the year round. There were such names as: Scarlatti, Vivaldi, Mozart, Haydn, Handel, Schubert, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Liszt, Purcell, Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Glinca, Göte, Berlioz, Lysenko and many others. The name of Clara Schumann will unite musicians in 2018.

Guests of the festival were musicians from USA, Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany, Finland, Italy, Spain, Poland, Korea, Russia. There were such names as Peter Lang, Arild Remmereit, Wolfgang Manz, Norbert Ort, Burkhard Rempe, Timothy Reinish, Christopher Gayford, Carsten Ekkert, Laurent Kampellon, Michail Pletnev, Naum Starkman, Tatyana Grindenko, David Lloyd-Jones, Klaus Helwig, Vladimir Krainev, Marek Toporowsky and many others.

For more than 25 years, the name "Kharkiv Assemblies" and unchanging motto "Resistance to evil through art" have been consolidating several forums focused on support and disclosure of creative youth of our country's potential to enhance and preserve the best traditions of classical art education. So, during "Kharkiv Assemblies" on the initiative of the Council of Young Scientists of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine will be held also the third event, analogues to which do not exist in our country: it will be an open music festival-contest, which invites not only students and post-graduates students, but also people with higher artistic education under the age of 40 years inclusive. Participation in the contest will allow young teachers to present the value of the unique combination of teaching and creative activities, inherent primarily to the artistic universities, which worthily represent the national cultural heritage in the European and global space. This year the competition is announced in three categories – "Piano", "Academic Singing" and "Chamber ensemble", outstanding musicians from Europe and Ukraine are invited to the jury.

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