The international online conference on the relation between education and the labour market in classical music is organised by the Czech Music Council and HAMU, the Academy of Performing Arts (Music & Theatre) Prague, in cooperation with the Czech Association of Orchestras and Choirs.


1 October 2021, from 10:00 CET – International part

2 October 2021, from 10:00 CET – Czech part


This online conference addresses the question of how the labour market in the field of classical music is changing and how Music HEIs are reacting to these changes:

  • Does the educational system meet the demand of the labour market?
  • What skills and competencies are young artists expected to have?
  • How can continuing professional training help to keep orchestra musicians flexible?
  • How can employers, authorities, special courses contribute to preparing graduates for new professional challenges?
  • Can Music HEIs contribute to creating new jobs?
  • How to harmonise supply and demand?
  • How to facilitate change?

Modelling of relevant argumentation; monitoring & research; sharing good practices.

Main goal of the conference:

Mapping the landscape, comparing the situation and highlighting perspectives

Whom to involve?

  • political decision-making bodies and their representatives;
  • the economic framework, the music business;
  • educational institutions;
  • potential employers;
  • the free-lance sector.

 Bringing together:

  • international associations in relevant fields, e.g. AECEMC, Pearle*, MEP Group etc.;
  • other non-profit organisations dedicated to creativity in education;
  • representatives of societal relevant, but not economy driven sectors such as neuroscience, psychology, sociology;
  • media and other stakeholders (music schools, parents, etc.)

Active and passive participants

There is still the option to submit papers (ppt or video) on the topic, until 23 September. Both active and passive participants can register on the CMC website

Conference format:

A Zoom link will be published on the CMC website and sent to registered participants via email.


Lenka Dohnalová, Czech Music Council