In 2018 the biennial International Van Wassenaer Competition will take place as part of the Early Music Festival Utrecht for the third time. The applications for the competition, which is a unique springboard for young talent, are now open. Since the first edition in 1986, the International Van Wassenaer Competition has been an important force in encouraging young musicians on their way to international stages.
The competition takes place on 30 August (semi-final), 31 August (master classes for ensembles that do not get through to the final) and 1 September (final). There are several cash prizes (up to € 4,000), there is the OOM prize (a tour in the Early Music Season) and all finalists (up to four) will receive a master class voucher to the value of € 500.
Applications are open until 1 April 2018.
More information can be found here. You can find the invitation here