The Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber Dresden and the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Cologne (HfMT Köln) have organized a symposium in close collaboration with the AEC and the with the generous support of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) under the tittle ´Internationalization at German Higher Music Education Institutions – by the example of Artistic Research" 
The event will take place in Dresden on the 24th and 25th of November 2017 and registration is already open. 

German Musikhochschulen have an excellent reputation internationally and are attracting young aspiring musicians from all over the world. But what about the internationalization of German Higher Music Education? The Erasmus+ programmes are quite popular and frequently used. But "Internationalization" means more than welcoming students and teachers from abroad.
The data collected regularly by the DAAD on the state of internationalization of German Musikhochschulen and universities provide a differentiated picture for the Higher Music Education Institutions. This conference aims at providing more insight at the exemplary topic "Artistic Research": This still young research field is increasingly coming into the focus and is a matter of debate in many places. These debates are showing a different dynamic from country to country. It is one of the aims of the conference to bring the German discussion more closely in touch with international developments. In addition, the conference's outcome might enhance the discussion on the topic Artistic Research (AR) in Germany and connecting to the international context.
The primary target group of the conference are leaders of German Higher Music Education Institutions as well as of comparable institutions in the German-speaking countries, musicologists and staff members dealing with Artistic Research.
The conference will be carried out in German language.

Concert Hall of the Hochschule für Musik Carl Maria von Weber Dresden, Wettiner
Platz 13, 01067 Dresden
Registration and further information:
The attendance of the event is free of charge, but subject to registration.

Contact for registration:
Lars Pätzold, HfM Dresden
T +49 351/4923–672

For more information about the Conference, please visit the website here.

Please find below the programme of the Conference and a short description of the Conference in german.