IRC Meeting Registration is open!

Registration is open for the AEC Annual Meeting for International Relations Coordinators (IRC) 2023!
The meeting will feature online sessions on 8th and 13th September 2023 and an in-person event at LUCA School of Arts, Leuven, Belgium, from 20th to 23rd September. Registration is compulsory for both online and in-person attendance. Should you prefer to attend online only, please note that only plenary sessions and related follow-up parallel sessions taking place in Leuven will be streamed for online audiences.
Curious to know what the IRC meeting 2023 will be about? Watch the video teaser!
Please find the official invitation letter to the IRC Meeting 2023. Information related to the fee payment and hotels, the full programme, the teaser, most of the abstracts of the sessions and the registration form can be found on the webpage of the event.