Join MusiQuE’s third webinar on Wednesday 9 March at 11:00 CET

The webinar “Balancing internal quality assurance and external quality assurance – experiences in higher music education institutions” is the third of a series of webinars on quality assurance and will take place on Wednesday 9 March from 11:00 to 12:30 CET. It will first address the development of balanced connections between internal quality assurance and external quality assurance in higher education institutions. The second part of the webinar will explore practices and experiences in quality assurance in higher music education institutions, focusing on the link between internal and external quality assurance. There will be an open Q&A session where members of the audience are invited to participate.
The webinar will be moderated by Orla McDonagh (MusiQuE Board member and Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at TU Dublin) and speakers will include a researcher on the topic (tbc) and representatives from different higher music education institutions in Europe: Janneke Ravenhorst (Head of the Quality Culture Office at Royal Conservatoire (KC) The Hague) and Brian Weir (Director of Student Experience at Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama). The webinar is meant for staff dealing with QA, management staff, academic staff as well as students in higher music education institutions.
Attendance to the webinar will be free of charge and registration is available online.
Please, do not hesitate to contact MusiQuE at or for further information.
MusiQuE looks forward to welcoming you at the webinar!