Join the first-ever European Folk Day!

The first-ever European Folk Day will take place on Saturday 23rd September in 2023. This is the day of the Autumnal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere.
European Folk Day 2023 is a pilot project conceived and coordinated by the members of the European Folk Network (EFN). It is co-funded by the European Union via the MusicAIRE programme.
It is born with the intention of establishing European Folk Day as a key date in the annual calendar.
Participation is OPEN NOW to any:
- individual
- band
- institution
- company
- community
- local group
Anyone who wants to join in with an activity related to music, dance or storytelling, either in person or online, is welcome.
Folk music, dance and storytelling carry the voices and stories of the people, nations and communities. They preserve cultures of the past and evolve with each generation. This pilot project is democratic and diverse. It is open to traditions of music from any community in Europe, whether historically indigenous or newly migrant.
The idea of European Folk Day emerged during conversations within the EFN. It aims to demonstrate the existence of a critical mass of people all over Europe, involved in one way or another, in the traditional performing arts. The European Folk Day affirms the importance of Europe’s communities and traditions and supports continued resilience and collective action.
The EFN has been growing since its inception, but we are still aware there are thousands of individuals and organizations that are not aware of us, and that we are not aware of.
With this initiative, the EFN wants to reach deeper into the fabric of people related to the traditional performing arts in Europe.
The European Folk Day is a pilot project co-ordinated by European Folk Network (EFN) with financial support from the MusicAIRE project jointly organised by the European Music Council and Inova with funds from the Creative Europe programme of the European Commission.
About the event