The Klangfest – Music for Children 'Excitingly different' will take place from 10 to 12 May in Hamburg, Germany. 

The Klangfest is a music festival for children with outstanding international and national productions, with contemporary and experimental music, jazz and much more. It is a festival where the children can be musically active themselves, too: playing on sound installations, trying out musical instruments etc.

This festival is not only important for children and families. Also professionals are welcome to encounter new productions, to network, to discuss shows and to meet. 

Anyone is heartily invited to come for three days to Hamburg but we concentrated the program for professionals on Sunday 12 May. The shows suggested are of course just a part of the productions you can experience at the Klangfest. Here is the programme for Sunday:

10:00 Check in
10:30 Brüte – a chamber opera for the very young (premiere) 2,5+
11:30 Echoa (Compagnie Arcosm, Frankreich) percussion and dance, don’t miss it! 6+
12:30 Lunch Time and networking
14:00 Trialog 3 compositions are looped and layered (premiere) 5+
At the coffee break we invite all the artists, Directors, composers etc. of the productions for a little Q&A
16:00 Somnia (production of the Elbphilharmonie) music meets acrobatics 8+
17:00 meet again and say goodbye

More information in a short flyer in English or on the Klangfest website in German.
An impression of last years festival can be found in a short video and a photo documentation.
If you are interested in participating please mail to Riekje Linnewedel, who will answer questions, give tips for accommodation etc.