Within the METRIC project, there was the second IP of the project taking place in the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, 1.-7th March 2017. The IP was aimed for teachers and learners, with the purpose of sharing and developing of the improvisation skills of the participants. For the whole week, numerous workshops, concerts and feedback sessions took place. Also, a separate day was dedicated to filming of the improvisation exercises for the Teaching&Learning Manual on Improvisation, which is under development within the project. All in all, there were 29 teachers and 44 students from the project partner institutions participating in the event. The next IP of the project will take place in Spring 2018 in the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland (Glasgow).
In addition, the Teaching&Learning Manual on Improvisation and Joint EU Modules in Improvisation, are under constant development within the METRIC project. For more information about this project, please check the METRIC page at the AEC Website.