SAVE THE DATE! NXT Making a Living from the Arts Conference, 14-15 September 2017 in Amsterdam 

Are you interested in discussing entrepreneurship in the arts and how higher art education institutions are approaching it? Would you like to hear about how entrepreneurial initiatives are developing new models of education outside the art academies? Do you want to be involved in a dynamic debate on social impact, social innovation and sustainable practices? 
If the answer is YES, this is the event for you!
The NXT Conference is hosted by the Amsterdam University of the Arts (AHK) and online registration will open in spring. 

If you think you have an innovative practice to share, as for example, a model/method of teaching entrepreneurship in the arts, please send a brief description of your activities (about 200 words) to

What is the NXT Project?

NXT – Making a Living from the Arts is a 3-year project co-funded by the EU Creative Europe programme (formerly known as NE©XT Accelerator), that started on 1 May 2015 and will continue until 30 April 2018.  ELIA – The European League of Institutes of the Arts is the project's main coordinator working in collaboration with 25 partners from 15 countries, including AEC. Please view the full list of partners here.