MusiQuE – Music Quality Enhancement, the Foundation for Quality Enhancement and Accreditation in Higher Music Education has been very active in the last months.
Since November 2016, MusiQuE has conducted 6 site-visits in the framework of review procedures of various kinds, in the Netherlands, Kazakhstan and Austria. These procedures included:
  • A pilot review to test the Standards for Pre-College Education produced by the AEC FULL SCORE Working Group;
  • A review of a conservatoire’s research activities which enabled a MusiQuE Review Team to test the MusiQuE Framework for the Evaluation of Research Centres;
  • A programme accreditation of 36 programmes, 19 music programmes and 17 visual arts programmes, in cooperation with EQ-Arts. 
  • MusiQuE is also preparing review procedures in Thaïland, Estonia, Spain and Belgium (Flanders) in 2017 and 2018.
Concerning the MusiQuE Board, Skype interviews were held in December 2016 with both candidates nominated by AEC Council and AEC General Assembly and Bernd Clausen (University of Music Würzburg) was appointed as new MusiQuE Board member. The MusiQuE Board would like to express its deepest thanks to Mist Thorkelsdottir (University of Southern California, Thornton School of Music) for her hard work and excellent contribution to the MusiQuE Board from 2014 to 2016, as well as for her previous commitment within the AEC Quality Enhancement Committee from 2011 to 2013.
Please find more information about MusiQuE’s latest activities below:

Are you interested in one of the evaluation procedures provided by MusiQuE? Do you have a question about cooperating with us? Please don’t hesitate to address your question to the MusiQuE staff through the online Quality Assurance Desk, or contact us directly at

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