MusiQuE – Music Quality Enhancement, the Foundation for Quality Enhancement and Accreditation in Higher Music Education has been very active in the last months. Please find an update on latest activities and upcoming events below.

MusiQuE review procedures
MusiQuE is currently coordinating and preparing several quality enhancement and accreditation procedures in Spain, Belgium, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Russia, Kazakhstan, The Netherlands, Finland, Singapore, Poland and the United Kingdom. These procedures include:

  • An institutional quality enhancement review of the Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid, Spain (site-visit in March 2018)
  • Reviews of several programmes at the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp and the Royal Conservatory of Brussels, Belgium (site-visits in May 2018)
  • 4 visits of ‘critical friends’ and a quality enhancement review at the Malmö Academy of Music, Sweden (site-visit in September-October 2018)
  • A review of 7 programmes at the Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, Switzerland (site-visit in October 2018)
  • A programme accreditation procedure at the College of Music, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand (site-visit in November 2018)
  • Programme accreditation procedures at ESMUC and Conservatorio Superior de Música del Liceu, Barcelona, Spain (site-visits in November 2018) in cooperation with AQU Catalunya
  • An institutional accreditation procedure at the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory, Moscow, Russia (site-visit in December 2018) in cooperation with the National Centre of Public Accreditation (NCPA)
  • Benchmarking projects at the Orpheus Institute and the International Opera Academy, Ghent, Belgium, as well as for Uniarts Helsinki, Finland (2019)
  • An institutional quality enhancement review procedure at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory, Singapore (site-visit in March 2019)
  • An institutional accreditation procedure at the Wrocław Academy of Music, Wrocław, Poland (site-visit in March 2019)
  • A programme accreditation procedure at the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, Almaty, Kazakhstan (site-visit in April 2019)
  • An institutional quality enhancement review at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), Switzerland (site-visit in May 2019), in cooperation with EQ-Arts
  • A programme accreditation procedure at the Royal Conservatoire the Hague, The Netherlands (site-visit in June 2019)
  • A programme review procedure at the Haute école de musique Genève-Neuchâtel, Geneva, Switzerland (site-visit in October 2019)
  • An institutional quality enhancement review at the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama, Cardiff, United Kingdom (site-visit in October 2019)
  • A programme accreditation procedure at the College of Music, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand (site-visit in November 2019)
  • An institutional quality enhancement review at the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts Brno, Czech Republic (site-visit in February 2020)
MusiQuE is currently also making plans for upcoming reviews in several countries, including Serbia, China, Latvia, Lebanon, Belgium, Poland, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Sweden and The Netherlands.
Latest news
Please find an update on a selected number of MusiQuE’s latest and upcoming activities below:
  • The MusiQuE Board has held its Autumn meeting in Brussels on 11-12 December 2018. A summary of the main points discussed by the Board can be found on the MusiQuE website.
  • MusiQuE has participated in the ASIIN 5th Global Conference in cooperation with EASPA, “The dawning of a new era of HE quality assurance – what can we expect from the future”, on 10-11 December in Berlin, Germany, where the Chair of the MusiQuE Board presented the “Critical friend approach” service offered by MusiQuE. The MusiQuE presentation  delivered at the event is available for download.
  • On 12 March 2019, MusiQuE has presented its services during a symposium on quality assurance in Montego Bay, Jamaica. More details and report from this event will be published on MusiQuE website following the event.
Are you interested in one of the evaluation procedures provided by MusiQuE? Do you have a question about cooperating with us? Please do not hesitate to address your question to the MusiQuE staff through the online Quality Assurance Desk, or contact us.
For more information, please visit MusiQue website.