The new AEC project RENEW (Reflective Entrepreneurial Music Education Wordclass) is shaping up!

The two RENEW working groups will hold a joint meeting in Oslo at the end of April in combination with the Conference in Entrepreneurship in Music ‘Between Artistic Autonomy and Economic Reality’hosted by the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo on 27-28 of April. In addition, RENEW will also be present in the conference programme as the project representatives will chair a session on Friday 28th in which the project plans will be presented.
Supported by the European Commission programme Erasmus+, RENEW aims at contributing to the promotion of an open and innovative education and training within the field of Higher Music Education through the development of different activities such as student boot camps and training sessions for teachers interested in gaining skills in the field of entrepreneurship. Information about the project activities is available on the project page in the AEC website.