On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci’s death (1519-2019), with a focus on art and science for children, the non-profit foundation “Carano 4 Children” launched the flagship initiative «Leonardo 4 Children» with the following objectives:
  • Stimulate the creativity and participation of European children and youth on art and science topics, inspired by the example of Leonardo da Vinci, to contribute to their balanced development and psycho-physical well-being; 
  • Support children – primarily in developing countries with focus on orphans or abandoned children – to develop their artistic and scientific skills and develop their personality, and help them to overcome post-traumatic stress;
  • Create a cultural and solidarity link between children with higher and those with lower opportunities, such as between European children and children in developing countries outside Europe, showing that all children have similar potential to create and be “genius”.


One of the three competitions included in «Leonardo 4 Children» intitiative is “Leonardo da Vinci’s Fables in music”, addressed to 18-30 years old musicians / composers in EU and promoted by AEC, Y. Menuhin Foundation and Mus-e Italia.
The challenge will start on 1st February 2019 and end on 15th May 2019. The authors of the works eligible for the competitions shall be young people legally resident in a Member State of the European Union, aged between 18 and 30 years old at the date of submission, and enrolled in a Conservatory or Music school located in the EU. 


The Jury includes professional music composers and experts from different countries, and is chaired by Stefano Cucci, director of choir of Ennio Morricone orchestra. The winners will be announced by the end of June.


The "work" submitted shall be an original creation by the participants and consist in a musical interpretation of one selected Fable, chosen among 10 Fables written by Leonardo da Vinci. These fables are available on the webiste in IT, EN, FR, DE, ES, PL.
The work shall be submitted using the online form available on the Leonardo4Children website.

Performance of compositions

On 26 September, Leonardo4Children will hold an event in BOZAR  where the winning compositions will be played. Tickets are available through the BOZAR website of the event.
The winning compositions will also be performed on 14 December at the Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci in Milan.
For further information, please see the attachment below or contact Leonardo 4 Children.