The Symposium "Rehearsing Orchestral Innovation" is taking place on 29 and 30 March 2019 in Maastricht, the Netherlands.

The first Maastricht Centre for the Innovation of Classical Music (MCICM) symposium invites delegates from the professional and amateur music sector, classical music industry, music education, and academic and artistic research on musical performance and audience engagement to discuss the central theme of collaborative learning and experimenting. The main question is how combining academic and practice-based research can 'open' and ‘extend’ the ritual of the symphony orchestra concert.

The two-day program, consisting of panels and hands-on workshops, focuses on innovation through collaborations between professional practice, arts education and research. It takes the music rehearsal as a starting point for rethinking the ritual of orchestral performance. Rehearsing music mobilizes existing knowledge and expertise, yet aims at new qualities in a performance. We will explore and debate the societal role of classical music and its relevance; new ways in which audiences can participate in and value classical music concerts; and the symphony orchestra as an ‘archive’ that enables (re)discovering musical cultures of the past.

The Maastricht Centre for the Innovation of Classical Music (MCICM) is a structural collaboration between The South Netherlands Philharmonic, Zuyd University for Applied Sciences and Maastricht University.

For more information on the programme or for registering to the symposium, visit the Symposium: Rehearsing Orchestral Innovation website or read the attachment below.