Conservatorio di Musica Giuseppe Verdi di Milano offers a Master programme in Italian vocal chamber music repertoire between the 19th and 20th centuries for singers and pianists.
The programme provides an in-depth treatment of its repertory in order to prepare and train students for public performance. Students are hosted in major music-production structures and given performance opportunities by taking part in European and international competitions. Students will have individaul lessons in addition to several workshops, prepared by renowned teachers. Historical context, style, and analysis issues are discussed in classes.
The deadline for enrollment is 6 February 2021. Admission Exam will take place on 27 February 2021, online.
Course fees for the year 2021: € 2900,00 (€ 50,00 for admission exam included)
For further information, please visit the dedicated website or contact Prof. Daniela Uccello.