(Musical) Improvisation and Ethics is a new four-year research project supported by a grant from the Austrian Science Foundation (FWF, no. ZK93). The project’s core team consists of musician and artistic researcher Christopher A. Williams from University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, anthropologist Caroline Gatt from University of Graz and philosopher Joshua Bergamin from University of Vienna.

Working creatively and theoretically through the Lab, the project aims to develop an innovative, holistic conceptual framework through which to understand the ethical significance of improvisation in social life beyond music and the arts.

The case studies – the public heart of the project – are a series of seven live encounters with musicians, each of which will culminate in two public concerts and talks, produced by a number of great venues, festivals, and institutions.  The collaborators in this ‘musical ethics laboratory’ are three pioneering large improvising ensembles: the Splitter Orchester (Berlin), the Trondheim Jazz Orchestra (Norway), and the klingt collective (Vienna).

For detailed information, please visit the dedicated website. You can also join this occasional newsletter to keep informed of all the project-related information.